Visceral Fat

Living deep behind the ribs on our organs is visceral fat. It’s located near several vital organs, including the heart, kidneys, and liver. This fat is often called “bad fat” due to the increased health risks that come with having it. We know that visceral fat is directly related to high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, inflammation throughout the body.


According to both the Mayo Clinic and Harvard Medical School this is the fat that contributes to heart disease, strokes, even cancer.  This isn’t just about looking good. It’s about feeling good and being healthy. Once we see what the impact on our organs it just everyone understands how dangerous it is.

How to detox and cleanse your body

Wanting to do a full body detox is something heard commonly, always promising a variety of health benefits which will seemingly improve our lives.   In short, it is true, a detoxification or cleansing of the body is, debatably, able to rid your body of harmful toxins or poisons caused by our environment or whatever …

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So let’s talk about this coronavirus, obviously, has a lot of people talking about a multitude of different things that we typically don’t talk about. Like men washing their hands. How’s that for a change? But immunity is the one thing, the immune system and prevention of sickness. Extra fat and carrying that along with you, can that be detrimental to the immune system?

What is Visceral Fat?

What is Visceral Fat Interview

There are two main types of fat in the body. We’ve got subcutaneous fat. This is the fat underneath the surface of the skin. But living deep behind the ribs on our organs is visceral fat. It’s located near several vital organs, including the heart, kidneys, and liver. Visceral fat is often called “bad fat” due to the increased health risks that come with having it. Unfortunately, this dangerous fat is not easy to spot. Even extremely healthy people with very little subcutaneous fat can be at risk for health issues because of fatty deposits on their organs.