Treatments for Cellulite Reduction

CelluSmooth (Minimally-Invasive Option)

We were excited to be the first practice in Minnesota to offer CelluSmooth, a minimally-invasive method of effectively improving the bumpy, pitted appearance of cellulite. Cellulite is fat that appears bumpy because it pushes against connective tissue, causing the skin above it to pucker. Although unsightly, cellulite isn’t harmful. It is most common in women and can be found on people of all shapes and sizes (even very thin people can have it).

During the CelluSmooth procedure, our physician will pass a small laser fiber through the problem area, which cuts the fibrous bands that cause cellulite. Our CelluSmooth laser is then used to melt the uneven layer of fat just beneath the skin, providing a smoothing effect to the fat layer below and tightening the skin above. CelluSmooth requires just a few days of downtime and there is minimal bruising, swelling and discomfort. Results can be seen as soon as one month after treatment and will continue to improve for 6 to 12 months or longer. CelluSmooth can be done as a solo procedure or in conjunction with ProLipo laser liposuction.

ZWave (Non-Invasive Option)

ZWave is an affordable method of temporarily smoothing unsightly cellulite. The treatment is very quick (in and out in 15 minutes or less) and for optimal results should be done as a package of 8 per area (an area is the size of a hand), two treatments per week. Ideal to have done before a vacation or any occasion where you want to look your best in shorts or a swimsuit, ZWave is a very nice option for reduced cellulite!

Call 847 260-7300 to set up a free consultation today to learn more about CelluSmooth and ZWave and to find which option is best for you.