Enhanced Firearms Qualification

Kansas Concealed Carry classes

Enhanced Firearms Qualification

2 Hours / $25 Handgun, $25 Carbine


The Enhanced Firearms Qualification (EFQ) provides shooters the ability to use the public range as a personal training facility. Shooters can qualify for handgun, carbine, or both which will give the shooter the ability to perform multiple tasks. EFQ will allow for the following:


Handgun EFQ:

  • Draw from the holster
  • Shoot faster than 1 round per second
  • Presentation drills
  • Reload drills
  • Stoppage clearances
  • Movement offline
  • Transition drills
  • Defensive Handgun I will serve as the qualification for Handgun EFQ

Carbine EFQ:

  • Presentation Drills
  • Shoot faster than 1 round per second
  • Reload drills
  • Stoppage clearances
  • Transition drills
  • Shoot at your target closer than 15 yards
  • Defensive Carbine I will serve at the qualification for Carbine EFQ
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