Competitions! Come join the fun!
You're sure to improve your aim!
Adult and youth events. Come join the fun!
For more information call us (775) 826-2626 Extension 113 or email
Reno Indoor Pistol League (RIPL)
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM (Check in 6:30 PM)
$25.00/person for Non-Members
$20.00/person for Members
Limited to 38 participants each night
- 2-4 Stages per match
- Each stage will have a minimum of 6 rounds and maximum of 40 rounds
- Paper or cardboard IDPA and USPSA targets
- No 22LR
Stage descriptions and Classifiers will vary weekly
Youth Shooting League
Minimum age - 9 yrs
6 Week League
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (4:45 PM Check in)
22LR Rifle, Iron Sights only, No optics
3 Rounds, Each Round will consist of:
* 4 Shots standing, unsupported
* 3 Shots kneeling, unsupported
* 3 Shots prone, rest or Bi-pod allowed
Come join the fun
$75 League fee
$15 Sign up fee (waived for members)
Includes all range fees, targets, and range rifle if needed (requires ammunition purchase from Reno Guns & Range)
We teach youth rifle safety. A safety briefing is done before the beginning of each competition and we also help them learn the 3 shooting positions of standing, kneeling and prone.
Dates & Registration
Wednesdays - 6 Weeks,
Starts at 6:00 PM, Ends 7:30 PM
(Best to arrive by 5:45PM to get checked in)
Teams of 4
Make your own team or we can find you a spot
$75.00/person for Members
$90/person for Non-Members
No caliber restrictions - Pistols Only