Why we lose muscle as we age


Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle due to age.


Age will bring about changes that we may not want to accept, but they may burst into reality for some of us when we begin to realize that we are not as strong or energetic as we once were.


In fact, studies have shown that around the age of 30, you will begin to experience muscle loss. This will come in both, muscle mass and muscle quality.


Each passing decade after the age of 30 can result in up to 5% muscle mass loss.

Other Causes


One of the causes for the reduction in muscle mass and muscle quality is the lack of activity in our day to day lives.


Work, family, and our lifestyle in general will dictate how much activity each of us is able to get.


For some of us, this may be a lot and for some not so much.


Nevertheless, reduced levels of activity will result in a loss of muscle. To double down on the negative effects of this, a loss of muscle is often accompanied by an increase of fat.


As such, this is likely to result in increased weight as a sign of the increased fat within our body.


Increased Inflammation

Similarly, age comes hand in hand with illnesses and a general drop in performance and efficiency.


As such, our health is likely to deteriorate and thus will impede any, or most, attempts at maintaining or building muscle.


Poor Nutrition

Yes, we are told this time and time again, but it holds true that the importance of nutrition is key to every aspect of our lives.


An imbalance or inappropriate combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can also have a major impact upon the body’s ability to maintain muscle while keeping body fat at bay.


However, a proper caloric intake becomes difficult to maintain as studies have shown that as our age progresses, we begin to consume less calories.



Following the trend of diminishing numbers, testosterone levels will decrease.


Unfortunately, the reduction of testosterone levels will aid in the loss of muscle mass.


Similarly, it will be harder to maintain muscle quality and mass with the onset of decreased testosterone.


Harvard Health Publishing has shown that the loss of testosterone begins to occur at a rate of about 1%-2% after the age of 40.

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