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Microdermabrasion in Santa Clarita

Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive procedure that results in smoother, brighter, and more evenly toned skin. Board-certified physician Yuvraj Grewal, MD and the team at Mind Body Infusion Med Spa in provide professional microdermabrasion to improve your skin’s appearance and reduce signs of aging.

For healthy skin renewal with no downtime for recovery, call the friendly staff at (661) 402-8604 or request your microdermabrasion appointment online today.

Microdermabrasion Q & A

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a chemical-free, noninvasive skin renewal procedure. This treatment uses microcrystals to remove the top-most layer of dead skin cells and reveal a younger, healthier-looking complexion.

In addition to revealing fresh skin, microdermabrasion stimulates the production of healthy new cells and boosts levels of collagen and elastin. These proteins are responsible for maintaining smooth, elastic, and firm skin.

How Can Microdermabrasion Improve My Skin?

Mind Body Infusion Med Spa uses microdermabrasion to treat a variety of skin concerns, including:

  • Age spots
  • Melasma
  • Dull complexion
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Enlarged pores
  • Uneven skin tone or texture

Microdermabrasion is safe and effective for most skin types and shades.

What Should I Expect from a Microdermabrasion Treatment?

First, your provider at Mind Body Infusion Med Spa evaluates your skin and discusses any particular concerns you may have. It’s important to tell your provider about any medical conditions you have or medications you take. If you both agree that microdermabrasion is right for you, they create a personalized treatment plan.

Because microdermabrasion is noninvasive, there’s little you need to do to prepare for treatment. Your Mind Body Infusion Med Spa provider may advise you to avoid sun exposure, self-tanning creams, and waxing for about a week beforehand.

Depending on the treatment area, microdermabrasion takes about 30-60 minutes. It takes about 30-40 minutes to treat your face and another 20 minutes to treat your neck.

During the procedure, your provider gently removes the top layer of your skin with a handheld device. Microdermabrasion isn’t painful, but you may feel a sanding sensation as the device exfoliates dead skin cells.

Afterward, your provider applies a moisturizer to your skin. There’s no downtime for recovery, but your Mind Body Infusion Med Spa provider may recommend a skin care plan to protect yourself from sun exposure. Your skin may appear slightly pink and swollen, similar to a sunburn.

For lasting anti-aging effects, you may need multiple treatments. To learn more about microdermabrasion, call Mind Body Infusion Med Spa at (661) 402-8604 or contact us online.

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